LUDWIG BECK postpones Annual Shareholders’ Meeting 2020
München, April 16, 2020 – The Munich Fashion Group LUDWIG BECK (ISIN DE 0005199905) has decided not to hold the company’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting as scheduled on May 18, 2020, but to postpone it to a later date in 2020.
LUDWIG BECK closes a challenging 2019 financial year with sales at the previous year's level
Munich, March 26, 2020 – In the 2019 financial year, Munich Fashion Group LUDWIG BECK (ISIN DE 0005199905) generated sales at the previous year's level with its remaining business divisions. After the sale of the WORMLAND group division, LUDWIG BECK focused on the core business in the parent company at Marienplatz in Munich.
LUDWIG BECK’s gross sales in line with expectations
Munich, January 08, 2020 – The Munich Fashion Group LUDWIG BECK (ISIN DE 0005199905) generated net sales from continued operations of € 94.9m in 2019 – 0.6% below previous year’s level of € 95.5m.

QIII 2020

The Consolidated Interim Release closing on September 30, 2020 contains information covering the first nine months of the fiscal year 2020.

QII 2020

The Consolidated Interim Report closing on June 30, 2020 contains information covering the second quarter and the first six months of the fiscal year 2020.

QI 2020

The Consolidated Quarterly Statement closing on March 31, 2020 contains information covering the first three months of the fiscal year 2020.

LUDWIG BECK – Sales at last year’s level after the first nine months
Munich, October 24, 2019 – The Munich fashion group LUDWIG BECK (ISIN DE 0005199905) recorded gross sales at last year’s level for its continued business operations despite the challenging market environment prevailing in the first nine months of 2019.
Subject: Personnel issue LUDWIG BECK am Rathauseck – Textilhaus Feldmeier AG: Changes on the Executive Board of LUDWIG BECK AG

Munich, August 13, 2019 – By mutual amicable agreement, Mr Dieter Münch will prematurely leave the company on 31 August 2019. This was mutually agreed by the Supervisory Board of LUDWIG BECK AG and Mr Münch today. Mr Münch was appointed to the Executive Board of LUDWIG BECK AG in

Changes on the Executive Board of LUDWIG BECK AG
Munich, August 13, 2019 – At the Supervisory Board meeting on 12 August 2019, the following changes on the Executive Board of LUDWIG BECK AG were resolved.

By mutual amicable agreement, Mr Dieter Münch (64) will leave the company on 31 August 2019. Mr Münch started his career in the controlling department in 1980 and was appointed to the Executive Board in 1998. During this time he was responsible for Finance, Personnel and IT. The Supervisory Board would like to express its gratitude for his many years of successful and loyal service to LUDWIG BECK. The decisions he made during this time led to the successful implementation of key measures which enabled the company to grow over many years and to consolidate in an increasingly difficult business environment.