LUDWIG BECK raises consolidated net profit by 13% in 2017
Munich, March 20, 2018 – The Munich Fashion Group LUDWIG BECK (ISIN DE 0005199905) had to measure up to the enormous pressures placed on traders and markets alike by the ongoing reforming processes marking the European fashion trade also in the 2017 fiscal year. Nevertheless, LUDWIG BECK managed to conclude the fiscal year 2017 with a significant increase in profits, and to maintain sales at a high level.
LUDWIG BECK’s gross sales meet expectations
Munich, January 8, 2018 – The Munich Fashion Group LUDWIG BECK (ISIN DE 0005199905) completed the fiscal year 2017 with preliminary gross sales at Group level amounting to € 173.2m (previous year: € 177.1m).
QIII 2018

The Consolidated Interim Report closing on September 30, 2018 contains information covering the third quarter and the first six months of the fiscal year 2018.

QII 2018

The Consolidated Interim Report closing on June 30, 2018 contains information covering the second quarter and the first six months of the fiscal year 2018.

QI 2018

The Consolidated Quarterly Statement closing on March 31, 2018 contains information covering the first three months of the fiscal year 2018.

LUDWIG BECK reports significant improvement in earnings after nine months
Munich, October 24, 2017 – The Munich Fashion Group LUDWIG BECK (ISIN DE 0005199905) concluded the first nine months of the fiscal year 2017 with sales up 0.2%, and was able to significantly improve its earnings at Group level. Above all, the favorable development in the third quarter, in line with the sector trend in the German fashion trade, contributed to this business performance. The month of September alone accounted for a 20% increase in sales of the German brick-and-mortar fashion trade (according to TW-Testclub). Even though the reference figures from the same period last year are relatively meager, there has never been a record month like this since this best-attended branch panel started its recordings in the year 2000. Despite a strong third quarter, the trade concluded the first nine months of 2017 with an accumulated loss of 1% according to TextilWirtschaft. Thus, LUDWIG BECK was able to distance itself from the negative branch trend.
Analyst Conference 2012

The analyst conference 2012 took place in Frankfurt on March 15, 2012.