LUDWIG BECK’s achieved results were in the range of expectations in the first six months of 2019
Munich, July 25, 2019 – After the sale of the WORMLAND business segment on April 30, 2019, the Munich Fashion Group LUDWIG BECK focuses once again on the core business at Marienplatz in Munich and on the online trade. Therefore, reporting according to IFRS 5 will generally relate to continued operations starting with this 2019 half-year report.
Press release on the Annual General Meeting 2019 Venue: Hotel Hilton München Park, Am Tucherpark 7, 80538 Munich
Munich, June 3, 2019 – LUDWIG BECK AG (ISIN DE 0005199905) held its Annual General Meeting on June 3, 2019, attended by approx. 500 shareholders, shareholders’ representatives and guests. Short of 80% of the share capital equaling 2.9m votes were represented. All agenda items were approved by overwhelming majority votes.
LUDWIG BECK – The first quarter of 2019 saw a slight growth in sales
Munich, April 25, 2019 – The Munich Fashion Group LUDWIG BECK (ISIN DE 0005199905) ended the first quarter of 2019 with a sales growth of 0.5%, thus surpassing the industry average. With this result, the company was able to hold its own in the difficult environment of a German fashion trade that is still in a state of upheaval.
LUDWIG BECK sells WORMLAND segment. The core activities are again in the foreground
Munich, 15 April 2019 – Munich Fashion Group LUDWIG BECK (ISIN DE 0005199905) has parted company with the men's fashion chain WORMLAND, which it has owned since 2015. The sale process initiated at the end of January has now reached the hoped-for swift conclusion.
LUDWIG BECK AG: Sale of gentleman's fashion chain WORMLAND and adjustment of forecast for fiscal year 2019

Munich, April 15, 2019: The sale process initiated by LUDWIG BECK AG on January 31, 2019 to sell the 100% interest held by LUDWIG BECK Unternehmensverwaltungs GmbH in Theo Wormland GmbH & Co. KG ("WORMLAND") led to the conclusion of a corresponding purchase agreement today. The buyer is WL Erwerbs

LUDWIG BECK concludes problematic Fiscal Year 2018
Munich, March 28, 2019 – The Munich Fashion Group LUDWIG BECK (ISIN DE 0005199905), alike fashion traders all over Europe, had to put up with constant structural pressures in the Fiscal Year 2018. Unpredictable climatic influences repeatedly curbed seasonal sales as well. Consequently, the sales and earnings situation reflected the negative industry trend and failed to meet expectations.
LUDWIG BECK AG: LUDWIG BECK resolves to introduce a process to sell the gentleman's fashion chain WORMLAND

AD-HOC NOTIFICATION pursuant to section 17 MAR (Market Abuse Regulation)

LUDWIG BECK am Rathauseck – Textilhaus Feldmeier AG - Securities Identification Number 519 990 -

LUDWIG BECK AG: LUDWIG BECK resolves to introduce a process to sell the gentleman's fashion chain WORMLAND Munich,

January 31, 2019 – In recent months

LUDWIG BECK’s gross sales in 2018 in line with expectations
Munich, January 8, 2019 – The Munich Fashion Group LUDWIG BECK (ISIN DE 0005199905) concluded the 2018 fiscal year with preliminary gross sales at Group level amounting to € 166.0m (previous year: € 173.2m). The sales target of € 165m, which had been adjusted in December, was thus slightly exceeded.