Comprehensive information on LUDWIG BECK Balance Sheet Press- and Analysts Conferences can be found below under the respective year.
Only available in german
Analyst Conference 2020
On July 23, 2020 the Analyst Conference of LUDWIG BECK AG took place virtually. Here you can find the presentation to this event.
Analyst Conference 2019
On March 29, 2019 the Analyst Conference of LUDWIG BECK AG took place in Frankfurt. Here you can find the presentation to this event.
Balance Sheet Press Conference 2019
On March 28, 2019 the Balance Sheet Press Conference of LUDWIG BECK AG took place in Munich. Here you can find the presentation to this event.
Analyst Conference 2018
On March 21, 2018 the Analyst Conference of LUDWIG BECK AG took place in Frankfurt. Here you can find the presentation to this event.
Balance Sheet Press Conference 2018
On March 20, 2018 the Balance Sheet Press Conference of LUDWIG BECK AG took place in Munich. Here you can find the presentation to this event.