Further Information

Here you can find further information related to the section Corporate Governance.

Vergütungsbericht 2023

Hier finden Sie den aktuellen Vergütungsbericht für das Geschäftsjahr 2023 und den dazugehörigen Vermerk des Wirtschaftsprüfers der Gesellschaft.

Link zum Vergütungsbericht inkl. Bestätigunsgvermerk (PDF)


Risk management

Opportunity and Risk Report 

In the course of its business in sales markets, LUDWIG BECK AG is exposed to a wide variety of risks as are involved in any business operation. These may affect the Group’s assets, finances and earnings.

We have established modern controlling instruments in order to detect, monitor and communicate such risks. These instruments ensure that our executives receive information about the development of such risks in time to launch suitable counter-measures, with the aim of steadily and sustainably increasing the value of the business. Responsibilities are clearly defined within the organization. The tools are subject to ongoing optimization in order to sufficiently accommodate structural changes. The detailed Opportunity and Risk Report can be found in the current Annual Report for the fiscal year 2021.

Link to Annual Report 2021

Description of the internal control system

LUDWIG BECK has established internal controlling instruments to secure proper accounting in compliance with legal requirements.

LUDWIG BECK’s accounting procedures are governed by standardized guidelines and rules as well as clearly defined processes. Therefore, standard account parameters and accounting entry directions for different business transactions are in place. Another control tool is the clear allocation of functions regarding various accounting processes. For the most part, accounting-related items are recorded on an automated basis, e.g. all sales at LUDWIG BECK are controlled by automated cash register systems. For Group accounting purposes all bookkeeping data of the consolidated companies may be accessed.

To monitor compliance with applicable rules, LUDWIG BECK basically relies on process integrated monitoring systems. These are divided into ongoing automated control mechanisms, such as separation of functions and restricted access to certain sets of books for unauthorized personnel, controls integrated into work processes which are secured through automated accounting entries, permanently stored codes, automated accounting entry procedures and the recording of the entire sales process (cash register systems).

LUDWIG BECK’s accounting-related risk management system is set up in a way that the risks of misrepresentation, which mainly ensue from new business processes or amendments to legal provisions, are constantly monitored. Risks are contained by transferring decisions on accounting-related data resulting from unusual business transactions to the management level. Ongoing training regarding changes to the applicable accounting provisions is provided to the management. Up-to-date training in basic principles set out in the literature is carried out by external providers. In case of doubt, external consultants are called in for the implementation and integration of these principles into existing processes.

Ausschreibung der Abschlussprüfung des LUDWIG BECK Konzerns

Der Prüfungsausschuss der Ludwig Beck am Rathauseck – Textilhaus Feldmeier AG, München schreibt das Mandat zur Prüfung des Einzel- und Konzernabschlusses der Ludwig Beck am Rathauseck – Textilhaus Feldmeier AG ab dem Geschäftsjahr 2024 aus.

Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften können ihr Interesse an der Ausschreibung bis zum 01. August 2023, 18 Uhr an die Ludwig Beck am Rathauseck – Textilhaus Feldmeier AG (Email: abschlusspruefung@ludwigbeck.de) mitteilen.

Nach Ende dieser Frist und Abschluss einer Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung erfolgt der Versand der Unterlagen zur Prequalifikation. Nach Prüfung der Einhaltung der Mindestanforderungen erfolgt der Versand der Ausschreibungsunterlagen.


On May 15, 2018 the Annual General Meeting elected BTU Treuhand GmbH, Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Munich, to audit the financial statements for the fiscal year 2018.


of Ludwig Beck am Rathauseck – Textilhaus Feldmeier AG

Link to document (only available in German)


Link to Composition Objectives 2022 (PDF)

LUDWIG BECK am Rathauseck – Textilhaus Feldmeier AG

Munich, March 2022

The Supervisory Board


Hier finden Sie den aktuellen Vergütungsbericht für das Geschäftsjahr 2022 und den dazugehörigen Vermerk des Wirtschaftsprüfers der Gesellschaft.

Link zum Vergütungsbericht 2022

Link zum Vermerk des Prüfers

Remuneration Report

Pursuant to the Second  Shareholder Rights Directive Implementation Act (Gesetz zur Umsetzung der zweiten Aktionärsrechterichtlinie, ARUG II), the Executive Board and Supervisory Board of LUDWIG BECK am Rathauseck - Textilhaus Feldmeier Aktiengesellschaft ("LUDWIG BECK AG") are obliged for the first time to prepare a remuneration report pursuant to Section 162 of the German Stock Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz, AktG) for the fiscal year 2021 and to submit it to the General Meeting for approval. The auditor has audited the following remuneration report pursuant to Section 162 (3) sentences 1 and 2 AktG and has issued a report on the audit of the remuneration report. The auditor's report is attached to the remuneration report.

Only available in german language

Link zum Vergütungsbericht (PDF)

Link zum Vermerk des Abschlussprüfers (PDF)


LUDWIG BECK AG - Bekanntmachung Beschluss Vorstandsvergütung

Link zur Mitteilung (PDF)

Stand 17.05.2021

LUDWIG BECK AG - Bekanntmachung Beschluss Aufsichtsratvergütung

Link zur Mitteilung (PDF)

Stand 17.05.2021
