Here you can find a compiled summary of the key stock data regarding the LUDWIG BECK share
Basic Stock Data | German Stock Exchange |
ISIN | DE0005199905 |
Domestic Security identification number | 519990 |
Stock Exchange member code | ECK |
Ticker symbol Reuters | ECKG.DE |
Ticker symbol Bloomberg | ECK |
Industry | Retail |
Listing segment | Regulated Market, Prime Standard |
Currency | € |
Category | Ordinary bearer shares |
Authorised capital | € 9,446,117.50 |
Authorised capital in shares | 3,695,000 |
Equity capital | € 9,446,117.50 |
Equity capital in shares | 3,695,000 |
Stock exchanges | Frankfurt/M., Stuttgart, Munich, Düsseldorf, Berlin/Bremen, Hamburg, Xetra |
First listing | May 18, 1998 |
Listing price | 34.00 DM (17.38 €) |
Indices | C-DAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share |
Accounting standards | IFRS |
End of business year | December 31 |
Registered office | Munich/Germany |
Commercial register | Commercial register Munich - HRB 100 213 |
Designated sponsor | DZ Bank AG |