Basic Stock Data

Here you can find a compiled summary of the key stock data regarding the LUDWIG BECK share

Basic Stock Data German Stock Exchange 
ISIN DE0005199905
Domestic Security identification number 519990
Stock Exchange member code ECK
Ticker symbol Reuters ECKG.DE
Ticker symbol Bloomberg ECK
Industry Retail
Listing segment Regulated Market, Prime Standard
Category Ordinary bearer shares
Authorised capital € 9,446,117.50
Authorised capital in shares 3,695,000
Equity capital € 9,446,117.50
Equity capital in shares 3,695,000
Stock exchanges Frankfurt/M., Stuttgart, Munich, Düsseldorf, Berlin/Bremen, Hamburg, Xetra
First listing May 18, 1998
Listing price 34.00 DM (17.38 €)
Indices C-DAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
Accounting standards IFRS
End of business year December 31
Registered office Munich/Germany
Commercial register Commercial register Munich - HRB 100 213
Designated sponsor DZ Bank AG 
