Corporate News

  • Weather conditions dominate fashion retail performance of the previous months - LUDWIG BECK earnings within expectations
    Munich, July 18, 2013 – Adverse weather conditions over long stretches of the 1st half of the fiscal year 2013 only had a minor effect on the financial key figures of Munich Fashion Group LUDWIG BECK (ISIN DE 0005199905). The online shop launched at the turn of the year gains further momentum.
  • Press release on the Annual General Meeting 2013 Venue: Hotel Hilton München Park, Am Tucherpark 7, 80538 Munich
    Munich, Mai 8, 2013 – LUDWIG BECK AG (ISIN DE 0005199905) held its Annual General Meeting on May 8, 2013, attended by nearly 550 shareholders and shareholders’ representatives, who represented approximately 80% of the share capital and thus nearly 3 million votes. All agenda items were approved by overwhelming majority votes.
  • LUDWIG BECK performs satisfactorily in 1st quarter – new online shop gains strong momentum
    Munich, April 18, 2013 – Given the adverse weather conditions, the Executive Board of LUDWIG BECK AG (ISIN DE 0005199905) finds the company’s performance in the first quarter to be very satisfactory. The new online shop for beauty products ( was just launched at the end of 2012 and is already on the road to success.
  • LUDWIG BECK increases sales and profit in 2012 - Dividend raised
    Munich, March 14, 2013 – The Munich fashion group LUDWIG BECK (ISIN: 519 990) concluded the fiscal year 2012 with branch-adjusted sales up 2.6% and gross sales at € 103.2m. Following three consecutive record-breaking years, earnings before taxes (EBT) could again be improved by 7.0% and came to € 12.1m. Having anticipated a branch-adjusted sales increase of 2% – 3%, and EBT between € 10m - € 12m, the Executive Board saw its expectations fully met.
  • LUDWIG BECK increases sales of current branches by 2.9% - EBT expected to reach upper end of forecast (€ 10-12m)
    Munich, January 7, 2013 – Compared to 2011, Munich fashion group LUDWIG BECK (ISIN DE 0005199905) increased gross sales of its flagship store at Marienplatz (including FÜNF HÖFE) by 2.9% to € 101.5m (2011: € 98.6m). This increase meets the board’s expectations. It thus achieved the branch-adjusted 2% to 3% gain in sales it was aiming for.
